Forspoken | Nails Locations Guide

by on January 24, 2023

As with Cloaks, Nail designs in Forspoken emart special abilities to protagonist, Frey. But unlike the other gear, Nails can’t be upgraded or altered. They always maintain the same powers, so you’ll need to switch them out as and when you need a different effect. They require special materials to apply though, so don’t do it too often. Either way, the easiest route to finding them is to follow out Forspoken Nails Locations guide. Good luck!

Forspoken Nails Locations | 1. Slay

Effect 1: Support Magic deals more damage when Surge Magic is fully charged
Effect 2: Frey (Purple) Spell Damage +5%
Location: These will be given to you as part of the campaign.
Apply with: Leaden Cluster x2

Forspoken | Nails Locations Guide

2. Blue Flash

Effect 1: Attack Spells charge more quickly
Effect 2: All damage -5%
Location: These will be given to you as part of the campaign
Apply with: Welkin Cluster x1

3. Clutch

Effect 1: Healing item effect boost when health is low
Effect 2: All Spell damage +2%
Location: Clear the challenge in Reeve, located south of Cipal.
Apply with: Welkin Cluster x2

Forspoken Nails Locations | 4. Dig Deep

Effect 1: Improved Surge MAgic recharge rate
Effect 2: All damage -2%
Location: Clear the challenge in Fort Wielki, in The Guardian’s Way area.
Apply with: Lucid Cluster x1

Forspoken | Nails Locations Guide

5. Aftershock

Effect 1: Killer blows generate a shockwave
Effect 2: All spell damage +2%
Location: Sila’s Castle, awarded after killing the twin minibosses.
Apply with: Lambent Cluster x1

6. III

Effect 1: Debuff from Purple Spells last longer
Effect 2: Frey (Purple) Spell damage +5%
Location: Enter and clear Kloros Guild, located in Middle Praenost. In order to get in you’ll need to use the surrounding outcrops to parkour your way up the backside of the Guild and through a balcony window.
Apply with: Welkin Cluster x1

7. Blessed

Effect 1: Improved critical hit rate
Effect 2: All Spell damage +2%
Location: Clear the challenge in Chichek in The Water Garden area.
Apply with: Fervid Cluster x2

Forspoken | Nails Locations Guide

Forspoken Nails Locations | 8. Nightshade

Effect 1: Top-Level Attack Magic can poison enemies
Effect 2: All damage -5%
Location: Clear the Ruins of Lepsi, in the Fields of the Fallen area.
Apply with: Leaden Cluster x2

9. Twisted

Effect 1: Debuffs from Sila’s (Red) Magic Spells last longer
Efect 2: Sila’s (Red) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the Ruins of Eskii, in The Fountainfields.
Apply with: Fervid Cluster x2

10. Bounce

Effect 1: Healing item effects boosted
Effect 2: All damage -5%
Location: Clear the challenge in Brome Guild in The Moulderings.
Apply with: Welkin Bloom x1

Forspoken Nails Locations

11. On Point

Effect 1: Top-Level Attack Magic deals extra damage
Effect 2: Frey (Purple) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the challenge at the Abandone Merchant Convoy in the Sacred Peaks
Apply with: Lambent Cluster x2

Forspoken Nails Locations | 12. Wisdom

Effect 1: Damage boost based on the number of Olas’ (Green) Spells learned
Effect 2: Olas (Green) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the challenge in Fort Laayak, located in Physic Garden
Apply with: Lambnet Bloom x1

13. Hope

Effect 1: Damage boost based on the number of Frey’s (Purple) Spells learned
Effect 2: Frey (Purple) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the challange in Fort Chahiye, in the Crosstide Coast
Apply with: Welkin Bloom x1


14. Frostbite

Effect 1: Top-level Attack Magic can freeze enemies in place
Effect 2: Prav (Blue) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the Breakstorm in Fort Sestina, Visorian Plataeu
Apply with: Leaden Bloom x1

15. Boucoup

Effect 1: Surge Magic recharge rate boosted based on number of total Spells learned
Effect 2: All damage -5%
Location: Clear the Ruins of Alda, located in Inner Visoria
Apply with: Lucid Cluster x1

Forspoken Nails Locations | 16. Heavy

Effect 1: Debuffs from Prav’s (Blue) Spells last longer
Effect 2: Prav (Blue) Spell damage +5%
Location: Clear the Breakstorm in Perle
Apply with: Leaden Bloom x1

Forspoken | Cloaks Location Guide
Forspoken | Necklace Locations Guide
Forspoken | Spell Locations Guide
Forspoken | Best Spells Guide
Forspoken | 12 Beginner’s Tips

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