Diablo 4 | How to upgrade your gear

by on May 30, 2023

Diablo 4 is, unsurprisingly, all about the loot. But sometimes even the shiniest loot isn’t enough to keep you alive. We all need a little help sometimes, and luckily there are ways to make your gear stronger. Read on to find out how to upgrade gear in Diablo 4.

How do I upgrade gear in Diablo 4?

Each main town in the game has vendors for armor and weapons, and a blacksmith. Rather than keep it simple, Diablo 4 spreads all these services out among individual NPCs. There’s even a separate vendor to upgrade jewellery! But if you want your gear to get tougher, you need to ignore everyone and head straight to the Blacksmith.

Not only can the Blacksmith boost your gear, they can also repair item durability which is lost in 10% chunks whenever you die. To upgrade an item, you need to select it from your inventory and pay a fee of gold and reagents to the vendor.

Diablo 4 | How to upgrade your gear

Where do I find crafting materials?

The reagents you need can be found scattered around the whole world, as random loot from monsters or as rewards for completing side quests. Hoard everything, as you never know what you’ll need. Items can be upgraded up to 4 times and each tier will boost all the listsed stats such as damage resistance or attack power. The more you boost it, the more it costs.

Although you will be picking up loot in vast amounts, now and then you’ll find an item – usually a weapon – that just feels good to use. Loot does plateu now and then too, with large portions of time where nothing drops that really jumps you forward. You may simply find yourself struggling with a particular quest, boss, or dungeon. In those cases, visit a Blacksmith and upgrade your gear. It’s not hugely expensive but can make a real difference.

Now you know how to upgrade your gear in Diablo 4, you should be able to stay alive that bit longer. Check out our full review of Diablo 4 here.

Go back to our Diablo 4 complete guide

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