Diablo 4 | How to get more Health Potions

by on May 30, 2023

Sanctuary is a dangerous place. You can’t nip to the next town over for a pint of milk without being sacrificed by Goatmen, infested by flesh-eating parasites, or burnt to cinders by a roaming Prime Evil. If you want to survive, you’ll need to chug health potions like YouTubers chug energy drinks. Sadly though, you only start with four. Thankfully there is a way to not only upgrade them, but also increase that number. Read on to learn how to get more health potions in Diablo 4.

Unlike Diablo 3, health potions are finite in number instead of on a cooldown, so you can chug them super fast if you want to, but you’re going to run out quickly. When that happens you need enemies to drop them so you can scoop them off the ground, which can leave you very vulnerable in tough fights. There’s only one way we’ve found so far to increase the number of red pots you can carry, and that’s to explore the world of Sanctuary.

Diablo 4 | How to get more Health Potions

Every new location you discover in a given area rewards you with Renown, a currency that unlocks very handy rewards at certain tiers. Each area allows you to unlock one extra potion when you reach the second milestone, giving you a total of 9 eventually.

You can also find Altars of Lilith, special statues usually hidden well off the beaten path, for a huge boost of Renown. Alternatively, discover and complete World Bosses, Dungeons and Events to earn Renown, or find new fast travel Waypoints. If you want to upgrade the efficacy of your potions, head to an Alchemist at specific character levels, pay the fee, and voila!

We hope you found this useful, and now know how to get more health potions in Diablo 4. Check out our full review of Diablo 4 here.

Go back to our Diablo 4 complete guide

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