Diablo 4 | How long to beat

by on May 30, 2023

If you spent much time with the Diablo franchise, or indeed loot-focused dungeon crawlers in general, you’ll expect Diablo 4 to be super long. And you’d be right. There’s a huge amount of content in this game at launch, but exactly how long will it take you to beat it? It’s a tricky one, but we’ve got some info for you.

Diablo 4 How long to beat

The main campaign of Diablo 4 spans 6 Acts, of which 1 and 3 are the longest and 4 is by far the shortest. You can absolutely choose to mainline the critical path by following the golden objective markers, which could comfortably be done in around 12 to 15 hours at a fairly steady pace with no distractions.

However, there are dozens and dozens of side quests, some of which will pop up on the path or be handed out by NPCs and so it’s highly unlikely you won’t wander from the primary goal a few times. It took us a little under 32 hours to reach the final boss, and perhaps another 30 minutes before the Endgame opens up.

Diablo 4 | How long to beat

We did a handful of side quests in each area, and unlocked the specialisation for our class. We also completed around half a dozen optional World Dungeons, twice as many Cellars, and one Stronghold. We did very little exploring for collectibles, but went off the path when an opportunity arose. Also note that we played the game primarily in World Tier II difficulty, so it could be completed faster in World Tier I.

Completing all optional content could easily take between 50 and 60 hours for your first character, but playing through with all available classes would be much, much longer. Of course, you don’t need to do this, as once you finish the story you can choose to skip the campaign entirely with all subsequent characters.

What are the factors that determine how long it takes me?

Primarily side quests and world events, of which there are potentially hundreds in a given playthrough. There are also collectibles to be found in the guise of Altars of Lilith, which grant renown for the area you are in. Renown awards you with massive boons at set milestones, such as a higher number of potions and even skill points.

You can also choose to tackle the optional Dungeons, Cellars, and Strongholds, or just explore the world with friends. Add to this the World Bosses and timed events that occur, and you have quite the suite of distractions. Thanks for reading Diablo 4: How long to beat. Check out our full review of Diablo 4 here.

Go back to our Diablo 4 complete guide

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