Street Fighter 6 | How to find Lily in World Tour

by on June 2, 2023

Lily is another member of the Thunderfoot tribe to feature in Capcom’s popular fighting series, and you’ll be able to unlock her as a mentor in the Street Fighter 6 World Tour mode. She has a quick and devastating moveset which can aid you as you begin to craft your own style, so we’ve put together a guide which will show you how to unlock Lily in Street Fighter 6 World Tour.

Street Fighter 6 World Tour: How to start the quest?

On the corner of Central Avenue – Downtown – North, you’ll meet a character called Ana (Level 10) who gives you the quest called ‘The Spirit Guide.’ It’s a relatively simple quest and can be unlocked relatively early in World Tour. You’ll have to retrieve the “stolen item from the Canary Crate member in Chinatown – Hong Hu Lu” during the day.”

Street Fighter 6 Lily The Spirit Guide

How do I complete the quest?

To complete the quest, head to Chinatown and turn right down the alley to the right of where Chun-Li is standing. After a relatively easy fight with a guy called Zimo (Level 13), he’ll give you the stolen item needed. Once recovered, head back to Ana and she’ll allow you to travel to Mexico via World Map on your smart phone.

Street Fighter 6 Lily World Tour Ana

How do I get Lily as a mentor?

Upon arrival, you’ll try and talk to an older fellow on a chair to no avail. Lily will then arrive in style to tell you he is Singing Wolf, “the most respected of all shaman.” After he whispers to her something about an evil pest, she’ll start a fight with you after getting out her impressive weapons. Once the fight ends, she’ll realise you’re not so bad. Talk to her again and ask to be her student. This will start another cutscene, followed by her agreeing to become your mentor.

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