ODSTs To Make Reach Appearance

by on December 8, 2009

odstlogoYou all remember the ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) right? Halo 3: ODST was a short lived experience for some but Bungie has not forgotten about their hot dropping foot soldiers. The guys over at G4TV caught up with Bungie writer/creative director Joseph Statten and he dropped a hint about the ODSTs appearing Halo Reach.

“I can’t comment on any future plans for our ODSTs but it would be a shame if we made a game about the planet Reach — a place where Buck, the ODST squad leader, was known to be — and not have him appear in some way shape or form…”

Well there you have it, nothing is certain as of yet but it is more than likely we will see Buck and other ODSTs in Reach. How interactive the ODST experience will be is a mystery at the moment.

Source G4TV

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