Get Xerneas and Yveltal in Pokémon Sun and Moon starting this friday

by on May 2, 2018

As part of the Pokémon company’s Year of Legendary Pokémon you can get Xerneas and Yveltal from GAME and GameStop stores.

Running from May 4 until May 26 Pokémon players on either Sun, Moon or Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon will be able to go to a GAME store in the UK or GameStop in Ireland to get a code for these Legendary Pokémon. As well as this, if you’re into the Pokémon duel app then Xerneas and Yveltal are two of eleven new boosters being added to the game today.

If you’re a Pokémon fan and you haven’t picked up Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon yet, you probably should do that, we reviewed it back in November last year giving it 9.5/10.

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