Super Meat Boy Forever out now

by on April 20, 2023

Meat fans, unite! Thunderful and Team Meat have announced that Super Meat Boy Forever is now available to buy on iOS and Android for £0.99. The heroic duo of Meat Boy and Bandage Girl must unite to rescue their daughter, Nugget, the the evil Dr. Fetus.

The ultimate challenge for mobile gamers, with randomly composed levels that provide a fresh and exciting experience with every playthrough. While it’s tough, it’s also incredibly rewarding, giving you that sweet Super Meat Boy feeling of accomplishment with every level conquered.

With familiar settings and new worlds to explore, you’ll run, jump, punch, and kick your way to glory. Take the meaty goodness of Super Meat Boy Forever with you wherever you go – whether you’re on the toilet, waiting in line, or ignoring your significant other, this game will keep you entertained with thousands of level chunks that can be combined in endless ways. So if you’re up for a challenge and want to have a blast at the same time, look no further than Super Meat Boy Forever on mobile.

“Two buttons, hard as hell, bloody, rewarding and a whole bunch of fun”, said Tommy Refenes, the co-founder of Team Meat. “Thanks to Thunderful’s help, we’ve brought the entire game to mobile. No ads, no micro-transactions – it’s the full, uncompromised Super Meat Boy Forever experience for just $0.99. We were going to charge per life but we were afraid doing so would tank the global economy.”

The original released in December 2020, and in our review, we said it’s “an entertaining autorun platformer that never manages to step out of the shadow of the first game. Although packed with ideas and an almost infinite amount of content, Forever’s lack of control and dismal boss encounters fail to live up to the high standards that Team Meat has set previously.”

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