Endless Dungeon reveals new hero: “Shroom”

by on June 9, 2023

Amplitude Studios and SEGA has announced a new hero for Endless Dungeon, called Shroom, and she sounds like an interesting character.

The squad based, tactical rogue-like game had a delay after originally being planned to come out this May, but after getting to play a preview build of Endless Dungeon, it does seem it’ll be worth waiting for.

We’ve got a trailer showing Shroom off, below:


Shroom’s opinion — shared by few others — is that every solid team needs a “plant whisperer”. Since her services as undertaker are no longer required thanks to the Reloader, she has taken to talking up her incenses, herbal remedies, and potions as having powers akin to miracle panaceas.

Living somewhere in that gray zone between “apothecary” and “snake oil salesman”, Shroom does her best to keep the squad alive with whatever roots, herbs, flowers, leaves, and nuts she can dig up. The rest of the gang, however, wonders how good a healer she can be if she requires so much protection. After all, if her skills came from embalming dead friends, what good is she with live ones?

Here’s the list of abilities for Shroom:

  • Passive: Wincense – Increases “Soul” stock per killed monster in the room.
  • Special: Soul Patch – Heals fellow Heroes by spending “Souls”.
  • Ultimate: Special Mix – Increases Health regeneration, defense, and prevents death.

After playing the game, I said that “Endless Dungeon is showing promising early signs. For those that love the Diablo-style loot game, or roguelike genre, this is that, but it’s also a twin-stick shooter tower defence game as well. With full controller support, and persistent options for improving your character from the get-go, there’s no reason you should ever feel like you’re bashing your head against the difficulty, either”.

Endless Dungeon is coming to PC and consoles on October 19th.

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